Adding directories for BLAST databases on the Server
In the web interface of the server, you can configure your Server for BLAST databases:
Admin () | BLAST Databases (
Here, you can add a folder where you want the Server to look for BLAST databases. However, before doing this, please ensure that the folder you will be adding has been configured as an import/export directory. This is necessary because BLAST databases are not truly CLC data, and thus are stored outside data locations specified for CLC data. They need, however, to be stored somewhere accessible to CLC Server process though, hence the need to put them in a directory configured as an import/export directory.
After the folder holding BLAST databases is configured as an Import/Export directory, it can be configured as a location that the CLC Server will look in for BLAST databases.
Do this by clicking on the Edit BLAST Database Locations button at the bottom of the area under the BLAST Databases area in the administrative interface.
This will bring up a dialog as shown in figure 11.1 where you can select which of the import/export directories you wish to use for storing BLAST databases.
Figure 11.1: Adding import/export directories as BLAST database locations.
Once added as a BLAST Database Location, the CLC Server will search this directory for any BLAST databases and list them under the BLAST tab in the web interface (see a section of this as an example in figure 11.2).
Figure 11.2: Selecting database to BLAST against.
This overview is similar to the one you find in the Workbench BLAST manager for local databases including the following in formation:
- Name. The name of the BLAST database.
- Description. Detailed description of the contents of the database.
- Date. The date the database was created.
- Sequences. The number of sequences in the database.
- Type. The type can be either nucleotide (DNA) or protein.
- Total size (1000 residues). The number of residues in the database, either bases or amino acid.
- Location. The location of the database.
To the right of the Location information is a link labeled Delete that can be used to delete a BLAST database.