Import a Custom Data Set
A custom data set (.cpc) can be imported using the Import button under the the Custom Sets tab (figure 11.23).
Figure 11.23: Importing a custom data set from the Custom Sets tab.
Import involves importing a set of roles. You are also given the following options for how to handle any associated data:
- Download A Custom Set contains reference data that was specified, but not exported and that the data is available from the QIAGEN repository. This will download the data to your CLC_References location. This can take some time for large elements.
- None - already present Data specified in the Custom Set is already present in your CLC_References location.
- Import The Custom Set includes data elements you do not already have in your CLC_References location. Importing the data set will also import these elements and save them under a folder called "Imported", under the CLC_References.
The progress of downloads and import can be seen in the Processes tab, in the bottom left side of the Workbench.
You can choose not to import or download data by using the drop down menu options present for each role included in the Custom Set.