Output from the Structural Variant Caller

The tool produces the following outputs: The indels variant track and the inversions annotation track both support VCF export. The reason for putting the indels larger than 100,000 bp in a separate feature track, is that the very long variants have very long either allele or reference entries in the variant track are challenging to work with in the track viewer, and for vcf export.

Indels variant track

The indels track contains all the standard variant annotations, except for the "Probability" and "QUAL" columns which are only present when the Whole genome Sequencing application is chosen. As the indels are inferred indirectly from the unaligned ends, and hence are not necessarily directly visible within the aligned parts of the reads, the standard variant annotations cannot simply be read of directly from within the aligned reads, but are instead approximated by examining the read mapping at the breakpoints of the variant.

In addition to the standard variant annotations, the indel track contains the following columns with characteristics of the inferred structural variant (figure 24.21):

Image structvar_indelstrack
Figure 24.21: The Structural Variant Caller indels track.

Long indels and inversions annotation tracks

The long indels and inversions feature tracks contain the same columns as the indels track, except that the "Type", "Reference", "Allele" and "Reference allele" columns in the indels track are replaced by a single "Name" column in the feature track. The "Name" column specifies whether the feature is a deletion, insertion or inversion.

The report

The report (figure 24.22) gives an overview of the numbers and types of structural variants found in the sample.

Image structvar_report
Figure 24.22: The Structural Variant Caller report.

It contains:

The report generated by this tool can be used with the Combine Reports tool (see http://resources.qiagenbioinformatics.com/manuals/clcgenomicsworkbench/current/index.php?manual=Combine_Reports.html).

Breakpoint track (BP)

The breakpoint track (figure 24.23) contains a row for each called breakpoint with the following information

Image structvar_breakpoints
Figure 24.23: The Structural Variant Caller breakpoints track.