System requirements

See Limitations on maximum number of cores for information pertaining to working on systems with >64 cores.

System requirements for read mapping

For mapping to the human genome ( 3.2 gigabases), or genomes of a similar size, 16 GB RAM is required. Smaller systems can be used when mapping to small genomes.

Larger amounts of memory can help the overall speed of the analysis when working with large datasets, but little gain is expected above about 32 GB of RAM.

Increasing the number of cpus can decrease the time a read mapping takes, however performance gain is expected to be limited above approximately 40 threads.

Special system requirements for the 3D Molecule Viewer

Special requirements for de novo assembly

. De novo assembly may need more memory than stated above - this depends both on the number of reads, error profile and the complexity and size of the genome. See for examples of the memory usage of various data sets.
