Options for clc_mapper
CLC Read Mapper Usage information: -d / --references Reference database file(s) to use. -z / --circular Indicate that the following reference file contains circular sequences, eg. -d -z mito.fa. -n / --indexoutput Save index to file, eg. hg19.idx. -q / --reads Read file(s) to use, eg. read.fastq. -p / --paired Set paired parameters, eg. fb ss 50 250. -i / --interleave Form read pairs by interleaving two files, eg. -i mate1.fastq mate2.fastq. --type Set technology hint to normal or pacbio (default is normal). -S / --normaltypelimit Switch to long read mapping for reads beyond this length (default is 500). -o / --output Resulting alignments, eg. result.cas. -m / --matchscore Set match score (integer range 1 to 10, default 1). -x / --mismatchcost Set mismatch cost (integer range 1 to 10, default 2). -g / --gapcost Set insertion and deletion cost (integer range 1 to 3, default 3). -G / --gapopen Set affine insertion and deletion open cost (integer from 0 to 10, default 0 (linear)). -e / --deletioncost Set deletion cost (integer range 1 to 3, default is gapcost). -E / --deletionopen Set affine deletion open cost (integer from 0 to 10, default is gapopen). -a / --alignmode Set local or global alignment mode (default local). -f / --forwardonly Restrict mapping to the forward strand. -b / --backwardonly Restrict mapping to the backward strand. -r / --repeat Report random hits for multi-hits or ignore them (default random). -t / --maxalign Set the maximum number of hits to report for each read (default 1). -s / --similarity Set similarity score (default 0.8). -l / --lengthfraction Set length fraction (default 0.5). --noprogress Hide progress indicator. --cpus Restrict the number of threads to be used, eg. --cpus 20 (default unlimited). -M / --mappermemory Restrict the amount of memory (MB) to use during mapping. Overrides --cpus parameter.