Product manuals
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Overview of Commands
Core analysis tools
Reporting tools overview
Assemblies post-processing tools
Sequences preparation tools
Format conversion
Latest improvements
System Requirements and Installation
System requirements
Limitations on maximum number of cores
Supported CPU architectures
Disk space
Downloading and installing the software
Installing Static license
Licensing the software on a networked Linux or Mac machine
Licensing the software on a networked Windows machine
Licensing the software on a non-networked machine
Network Licenses
Installing and Running the CLC Network License Manager
Configuring the software to use a network license
Restricting CPU usage
The Basics
How to use the programs
Getting Help
A basic example
Input Files
Cas File Format
Cas Format Basics
What a cas file contains
What a cas file does not contain
Considerations and limitations
Converting to and from SAM and BAM formats
Paired read Considerations
Relative orientation of the reads
Measuring the distance between the reads
Paired Read File Input
Read Mapping
References and indexes
Single reads
Paired reads
Alignment parameters
Match score
Mismatch cost
Linear gap cost
Affine gap cost
Alignment mode
Reporting and filtering
Quality filtering
De novo assembly
De novo assembly inputs
De novo assembly outputs
How it works
Resolve repeats using reads
Automatic paired distance estimation
Optimization of the graph using paired reads
AGP export
Bubble resolution
Converting the graph to contig sequences
Randomness in the results
Specific characteristics of CLC algorithm
SOLiD data support in de novo assembly
Command line options
Specifying the data for the assembly and how it should be used
Specifying information for the assembly
Specifying information about the outputs
Other options
Example commands
New long read assembly tools (beta)
The clc_correct_pacbio_reads tool (beta)
Interlude: Converting PacBio's BAM to FASTA
Basic usage
Advanced parameters
The clc_assembler_long tool (beta)
Input parameters
Graph construction
Graph post-processing
Contig post-processing
Output parameters
An example including error-correction for PacBio reads
Reporting tools
The clc_sequence_info Program
The clc_mapping_table Program
The clc_mapping_info Program
Assembly post-processing tools
The clc_change_cas_paths Program
The clc_filter_matches Program
The clc_extract_consensus Program
The clc_join_mappings Program
The clc_submapping Program
Specifying Mapping Files
Extracting a Subset of Reference Sequences
Extracting a Part of a Single Reference Sequence
Extracting Only Long Contigs (Useful for De Novo Assembly)
Extracting a Subset of Read Sequences
Other Match Restrictions
Output Reference File
Output Read File
Handling of non-specific matches
The clc_unmapped_reads Program
The clc_unpaired_reads Program
The clc_agp_join Program
Sequence preparation tools
The clc_adapter_trim Program
Quality trimming
Fastq quality scoring
The clc_remove_duplicates Program
Example of duplicate read removal
The clc_sample_reads Program
The clc_sort_pairs Program
The clc_split_reads Program (for 454 paired data)
The clc_overlap_reads Program
Format conversion tools
The clc_cas_to_sam Program
The clc_sam_to_cas Program
The clc_convert_sequences Program
Options for All Programs
Options for clc_adapter_trim
Options for clc_agp_join
Options for clc_assembler
Options for clc_assembler_long
Options for clc_cas_to_sam
Options for clc_change_cas_paths
Options for clc_convert_sequences
Options for clc_correct_pacbio_reads
Options for clc_extract_consensus
Options for clc_filter_matches
Options for clc_join_mappings
Options for clc_mapper
Options for clc_mapper_legacy
Options for clc_mapping_info
Options for clc_mapping_table
Options for clc_overlap_reads
Options for clc_quality_trim
Options for clc_remove_duplicates
Options for clc_sample_reads
Options for clc_sam_to_cas
Options for clc_sequence_info
Options for clc_sort_pairs
Options for clc_split_reads
Options for clc_submapping
Options for clc_unmapped_reads
Options for clc_unpaired_reads
Third Party Libraries
Format conversion tools
The clc_cas_to_sam Program
The clc_sam_to_cas Program
The clc_convert_sequences Program