Options for clc_assembler_long
CLC Assembler Long (beta) Usage information: -q / --reads: Read file(s) to assemble, eg. read.fastq. -r / --polishingreads Read file(s) to use for polishing. -o / --output Resulting contigs, eg. contigs.fasta. -m / --min-length Minimum length of output contigs (default 1000). -w / --wordsize Word size for the de Bruijn graph. -c / --min-coverage Minimum word coverage (default 4). -a / -anchor-length Minimum length of anchor fragments (default 200). --savegraph Save graph to a file. --loadgraph Load graph from a file. -f / --savefragments Save fragments to a file. -v / --verbose Output various information while running. --cpus Restrict the number of threads to be used.