Dynamic motifs

In the Side Panel settings of a sequence that is open for viewing, there is a Motifs palette (figure 18.23). Using these options, motifs can be added to or removed from the list, as well as moved up and down in the list. All listed motifs are searched for, and the number of instances found is reported in brackets by the motif name.

If the box by a particular motif is checked, that motif will be highlighted on the sequence itself (figure 18.24). By default, a motif is shown as a faded arrow, where the direction of the arrow indicates the strand of the motif. Hovering the mouse cursor over a motif on the sequence reveals information about the motif ( figure 18.25).

Image dynamicmotifs1
Figure 18.23: The Motifs palette of the Side Panel of an open sequence. A single instance of the CMV motif has been detected.

Image dynamicmotifs2
Figure 18.24: When the box next to a motif type is checked, any instances of that motif in a sequence will be highlighted in the view.

Image dynamicmotifs3
Figure 18.25: Hover the mouse cursor over a motif region on the sequence to reveal a tool tip with information about the motif.

To add Labels to the motif, select the Flag or Stacked option. They will put the name of the motif as a flag above the sequence. The stacked option will stack the labels when there is more than one motif so that all labels are shown.

Below the labels option there are two options for controlling the way the sequence should be searched for motifs:

The list of motifs shown in figure 18.23 is a pre-defined list that is included with the workbench, but you can define your own set of motifs to use instead. In order to do this, you can either launch the Create Motif List tool from the Navigation Area or using the Add Motif button in the Side Panel (see Create motif list). Once your list of custom motif(s) is saved, you can click the Manage Motifs button in the Side Panel, which will bring up the dialog shown in figure 18.26.

Image dynamicmotifs4
Figure 18.26: Managing the motifs to display

At the top, select a motif list by clicking the Browse (Image browse) button. When the motif list is selected, its motifs are listed in the panel in the left-hand side of the dialog. The right-hand side panel contains the motifs that will be listed in the Side Panel when you click Finish.

See section The Motif Search tool for a non-interactive option for detecting motifs.