Contact information and citation

CLC Main Workbench is developed by:

Kalkværksvej 5, 11.
DK - 8000 Aarhus C


The QIAGEN Aarhus team is continuously improving CLC Main Workbench with your interests in mind. We welcome all requests and feedback from users, as well as suggestions for new features or more general improvements to the program.

Getting help via the Workbench

If you encounter a problem or need help understanding how CLC Main Workbench works, and the license you are using is covered by our Maintenance, Upgrades and Support (MUS) program (, please contact us by clicking on the Support button at the right hand side of the top toolbar (figure 1.1) or by choosing Contact Support under the Help menu.

Image supportbutton-combined
Figure 1.1: Contact our Support team by clicking on the button at the right hand side of the top Toolbar

This will open a dialog where you can enter your contact information, and a text field for writing the question or problem you have. On a second dialog you will be given the chance to attach screenshots or even small datasets that can help explain or troubleshoot the problem. When you send a support request this way, it will automatically include helpful technical information about your installation and your license information so that you do not have to look this up yourself. Our support staff will reply to you by email.

Other ways to contact the support team

You can also contact the support team by email:

Please provide your contact information, your license information, some technical information about your installation , and describe the question or problem you have. You can also attach screenshots or even small data sets that can help explain or troubleshoot the problem.

Information about the license(s) being used by a CLC Workbench and any installed modules can be found by opening the License Manager:

        Help | License Manager...

Information about MUS cover on particular licenses is provided in your myCLC account:

How to cite us

To cite a CLC Workbench or Server product, use the name of the product, the version number. For example QIAGEN CLC Main Workbench 24.0 or QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench 24.0. If a location is required by the publisher of the publication, use (QIAGEN, Aarhus, Denmark). Our website is

Further details about citing QIAGEN Digital Insights software can be found in our FAQ at