Creating and editing workflows

Workflows are created and edited using the Workflow Editor.

To create a new workflow, click on the Workflows button (Image workflows_16_n_p) in the Toolbar and then select "New Workflow" (Image workflow_new_16_n_p).

Alternatively, use the menu option:

        File | New | Workflow (Image workflow_new_16_n_p)

To open a copy of an installed workflow in the Workflow Editor, right-click on the workflow name under the Workflows menu in the Toolbox at the bottom, left side of the Workbench, and choose the option Open Copy of Workflow. Customizing existing workflows rather than building new workflows from scratch, can save much time.

Template workflows are provided with the CLC Main Workbench (figure 13.2).

Image workflowstab-wb-noserver-combined
Figure 13.2: Template workflows are available under the Workflows menu.

To copy the image of a workflow design, select the elements in the workflow design (click in the workflow editor and then press keys Ctrl + A), then copy (Ctrl + C), and then paste where you wish the image to be placed, for example, in an email or presentation program.
