Gap placement

In the case of insertions or deletions in homopolymeric or repetitive regions, the precise placement of the insertion or deletion cannot be determined from the data. An example is shown in figure 21.17.

Image gap_placement_65
Figure 21.17: Three A's in the reference (top) have been replaced by two A's in the reads (shown in red). The gap is placed towards the 5' end, but could have been placed towards the 3' end with an equally good mapping score for the read.

In this example, three A's in the reference (top) have been replaced by two A's in the reads (shown in red). The gap is placed towards the 5' end (left side), but could have been placed towards the 3' end with an equally good mapping score for the read as shown in figure 21.18.

Image gap_placement_60
Figure 21.18: Three A's in the reference (top) have been replaced by two A's in the reads (shown in red). The gap is placed towards the 3' end, but could have been placed towards the 5' end with an equally good mapping score for the read.

Since either way of placing the gap is arbitrary, the goal of the mapper is to place the gaps consistently at the same side for all reads.

Many insertions and deletions in homopolymeric or repetitive regions reported in the public databases dbSNP and 1000Genomes have been identified based on mappings done with tools like BWA and Bowtie, that place insertions or deletions at the left side of a homopolymeric tract. Thus, to help facilitate the comparison of variant results with such public resources, the CLC bio Map Reads to Reference tool will also place insertions or deletions in homopolymeric tracts at the left hand side.
