Batch processing

Most of the analyses in the Toolbox are able to perform the same analysis on several elements in one batch. This means that analyzing large amounts of data is very easily accomplished. As an example, if you use the Find Binding Sites and Create Fragments (Image searchforprimers) tool available in Biomedical Genomics Workbench and supply five sequences as shown in figure 8.1, the result table will present an overview of the results for all five sequences.

Image batch1
Figure 8.1: Inputting five sequences to Find Binding Sites and Create Fragments.

This is because the input sequences are pooled before running the analysis. If you want individual outputs for each sequence, you would need to run the tool five times, or alternatively use the Batching mode.

Batching mode is activated by clicking the Batch checkbox in the dialog where the input data is selected. Batching simply means that each data set is run separately, just as if the tool has been run manually for each one. For some analyses, this simply means that each input sequence should be run separately, but in other cases it is desirable to pool sets of files together in one run. This selection of data for a batch run is defined as a batch unit.

When batching is selected, the data to be added is the folder containing the data you want to batch. The content of the folder is assigned into batch units based on this concept:

An example of a batch run is shown in figure 8.2.

Image batch2
Figure 8.2: The Cloning folder includes both folders and sequences.

The Cloning folder that is found in the example data contains two sequences (Image sequence_dna) and four folders (Image Folder_Closed_Flat_16_h_p). If you click Batch, only folders can be added to the list of selected elements in the right-hand side of the dialog. To run the contents of the Cloning folder in batch, double-click to select it.

When the Cloning folder is selected and you click Next, a batch overview is shown.
