Search for Sequences at NCBI

This section describes searches for sequences in GenBank - the NCBI Entrez database

Download | Search for Sequences at NCBI (Image search_ncbi_sequence_16_n_p) or Ctrl + B (Image command_key_web + B on Mac)

This opens the following view (figure 6.1).

Image ncbisearchdialog
Figure 6.1: The GenBank search view.

The search view can be saved either using dragging the search tab and and dropping it in the Navigation Area or by clicking Save (Image Save_Blue_16_n_p). When saving the search, only the parameters are saved - not the results of the search. This is useful if you have a special search that you perform from time to time.

Even if you don't save the search, the next time you open the search view, it will remember the parameters from the last time you did a search.
