MLST quick-start

This section briefly describes how to get started using the main functionality of the Multilocus Sequence Typing Module.

First, download an MLST Scheme:

        Multilocus Sequence Typing (Image mlst_folder) | MLST Schemes (Image mlst_scheme_folder) | Download MLST Schemes (PubMLST) (Image download_mlst_scheme)

In this dialog, select the correct scheme to use as reference for typing. Save the scheme (Image Save_Blue_16_n_p).

Next, to find a sequence type for your sequencing data, you will have to create an isolate:

        Multilocus Sequence Typing (Image mlst_folder) | Assembly and Create Isolate (Image assemble)

In this dialog, select all the sequencing data for the isolate that you wish to type. (Note that you will have to Import (Image Next_Folder_16_n_p) the data first.)

Click Next and select the scheme (Image browse) that you downloaded as reference scheme. Click Next through a series of steps where sequences are assigned to each locus in the scheme. If the sequence is not automatically assigned correctly, use the Add (Image add) and Remove (Image remove) buttons to make sure the right sequences are assigned.

When you click Finish, an isolate is created and a sequence type is assigned. Double-click a row in the upper part of the view to inspect and edit the contig.