UniProt search options
Conducting a search in UniProt from CLC Drug Discovery Workbench corresponds to conducting the search on UniProt's website. When conducting the search from CLC Drug Discovery Workbench, the results are available and ready to work with straight away.
Above the search fields, you can choose which database to search:
- Swiss-Prot This is believed to be the most accurate and best quality protein database available. All entries in the database has been currated manually and data are entered according to the original research paper.
- TrEMBL This database contain computer annotated protein sequences, thus the quality of the annotations is not as good as the Swiss-Prot database.
As default, CLC Drug Discovery Workbench offers one text field where the search
parameters can be entered. Click Add search parameters to add
more parameters to your search.
Note! The search is a "and" search, meaning that when adding
search parameters to your search, you search for both (or all) text
strings rather than "any" of the text strings.
You can append a wildcard character by checking the checkbox at the bottom. This means that you only have to enter the first part of the search text, e.g. searching for "genom" will find both "genomic" and "genome".
The following parameters can be added to the search:
- All fields. Text, searches in all parameters in the UniProt database at the same time.
- Organism. Text.
- Description. Text.
- Created Since. Between 30 days and 10 years.
- Feature. Text.
The search parameters listed in the dialog are the most recently used. The All fields allows searches in all parameters in the UniProt database at the same time.
When you are satisfied with the parameters you have entered, click Start search.
Note! When conducting a search, no files are downloaded. Instead, the program produces a list of links to the files in the UniProt database. This ensures a much faster search.