Editing molecule objects

Individual molecules can be moved and copied between Molecule Tables and Molecule Projects.

In Molecule Tables, select the molecule entries you wish to copy, move or delete. From the right-click context menu, you can then Cut, Copy or Delete the entries from the Edit menu. If Cut or Copy is selected, it is now possible to paste the molecules into another open Molecule Table or Molecule Project. To paste the molecules into a Molecule Project, invoke the context menu from the free space in the 3D view or from the Project Tree view, or use Ctrl + V (Cmd + V on Mac).

In Molecule Projects, the molecules you wish to copy, move or delete should be selected in the Project Tree view. The right-click context menu will allow you to Cut, Copy or Delete the entries. If Cut or Copy is selected, it is now possible to paste the molecules into another Molecule Project or a Molecule Table, using the right-click context menu or Ctrl + V (Cmd + V on Mac).

If a Molecule Table is connected to a Molecule Project (see Viewing Molecule Table structures in 3D), the molecules selected in the table can be copied to the Molecule Project simply be clicking the "Copy Selected to Project" action in the table Side Panel.
