Correct Long Reads

The Correct Long Reads tool enables the correction of a set of error-prone long reads by finding overlaps between the reads, and performing a consensus error correction using Racon [Vaser et al., 2017].

Note that if the aim is to create an assembly from a set of error-prone long reads it is not recommended to run Correct Long Reads prior to De Novo Assemble Long Reads. For other applications, however, it may be beneficial to correct the reads before further analysis.

To run the Correct Long Reads tool, go to:

        Toolbox | Long Read Support (Image longreads_folder_closed_16_h_p) | Correct Long Reads (Image correct_longreads_16_h_p)

Select one or more sequence lists containing reads.

In the next dialog, set the following parameters (figure 7.1):

Image longreadcorrect_step1
Figure 7.1: Correct Long Reads parameters
