Importing data from the cloud
Using a CLC Genomics Workbench, next-generation sequencing (NGS) data can be imported from the configured cloud locations using NGS Import tools or using on-the-fly import when running a workflow. The configured cloud locations will be available to select in the import or workflow wizard (figure 4.1). When using on-the-fly import in a workflow, CLC format files can also be imported from a cloud location.
Using a CLC Main Workbench, sequencing trace data and CLC format files can be imported from configured cloud locations using on-the-fly import in workflows. The configured cloud locations will be available to select in the workflow wizard from a drop-down menu, similar to the drop-down menu shown at the top of figure 4.1.
Files selected in a cloud location are first downloaded to a temporary folder, and are subsequently imported into the CLC Workbench.
Figure 4.8: Configured cloud locations can be selected when using NGS importers.