Update to Common Sample Name

When jointly analyzing scTCR-Seq with matched scRNA-Seq data, it is important that data originating from the same sample are annotated with the same sample name. Ideally, this should be done as a first step in the analysis pipeline, when running the Annotate Reads with Cell and UMI tool (see Annotate Reads with Cell and UMI) or when importing the data. If this has not been done, the sample name can be updated using the Update to Common Sample Name tool. It can be found in the Toolbox here:

        Utility Tools (Image sc_utility_tools_folder_open_16_n_p) | Update to Common Sample Name (Image rename_sample_16_n_p)

The tool takes one element as input, of one of the following types:

A second element is provided in the `Take sample name from' option. The following types are allowed:

The tool outputs a copy of the input, where the sample is updated to match that found in the `Take sample name from' element.

Both the input and `Take sample name from' element are required to only contain one sample, as otherwise the sample name cannot be uniquely identified.