Setting the amount of memory available for the JVM

During the installation of the CLC Server, the maximum amount of memory the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) can make use of is specified. By default, the value is set to 50% of the available RAM on the system you have installed the software on, or 50 Gb, whichever is smallest.

Recommended memory limit

We generally recommend that the default settings, described above, are used. These settings take into account that:

Adjusting the maximum JVM memory use after installation

The maximum amount of memory the JVM can use is recorded in the CLCGenomicsServer.vmoptions file, located in the CLC Server installation directory. The entry looks like the following, where in this example, "8192m" means 8192 Megabytes.


The value for this setting in the CLCGenomicsServer.vmoptions file can be changed. The new value will take effect after the CLC Server is restarted.