High-throughput sequencing import / Post-processing

Data generated by the external tool can be imported using a high throughput sequencing importer or processed after import by a post processing tool on the CLC Server. To configure a high throughput sequencing importer or post processing tool:

Image extapphighthroughputconfig
Figure 16.12: After clicking on the "Add new" button, the Illumina High-Throughput Sequencing Import tool was selected. Clicking on the "Edit and map parameters..." button opens a window to configure that importer. Here, a parameter called "Fastq sequnces" has been selected sa the input, and the Paired reads setting was unlocked, and that option then deselected.

After configuration changes are saved, text in the General Configuration panel will be updated, making it clear which tool has was selected for use with a given command parameter. For example, after saving the changes shown in figure 16.12, the text in the General configuration area for that output would say: "Linked with Illumina High-Throughput Sequencing Import".

To remove the connection between a parameter and a high throughput sequencing importer or post processing tool, the simplest option is usually to delete the relevant configuration in the High-throughput sequencing import / Post processing area.