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System requirements
CLC Genomics Server
Quick installation guide
Installing and running the Server
Installing the Server software
Installation modes - console and silent
Upgrading an existing installation
Upgrading between major versions
Allowing access through your firewall
Downloading a license
Download a static license on a non-networked machine
Starting and stopping the server
Microsoft Windows
Basic configuration
Logging into the administrative interface
Server display name
Adding locations for saving data
CLC Server File System Locations
Reference data management
Enabling and disabling internal compression of CLC data
Changing the listening port
SSL and encryption
Client-server encrypted communication
Logging in using SSL from a CLC Workbench
Logging in using SSL from the CLC Server Command Line Tools
Master-job node encrypted communication
Master-grid node encrypted communication
Changing the tmp directory
Job node setup
Setting the amount of memory available for the JVM
Limiting the number of cpus available for use
HTTP settings
External network connections
Proxy settings
Searching the web client
Managing users and groups
Changing the root password
User authentication for the CLC Server
Giving users administration rights
Authentication options
Managing users and groups using built-in authentication
User authentication via the Workbench for built-in authentication
Access privileges and permissions
Controlling group access to CLC Server data
Setting permissions on folders
Technical notes about permissions and security
Controlling access to the server, server tasks and external data
Customized attributes on data locations
Filling in values
What happens when a clc object is copied to another data location?
Searching custom attributes
Job processing
Introduction to servers setups
Model I: Master server with dedicated job nodes
Overview: Model I
User credentials on a master-job node setup
Configuring a job node setup
Installing Server plugins on job nodes
Model II: Master server submitting to grid nodes
Overview: Model II
Requirements for CLC Grid Integration
Technical overview
Setting up the grid integration
Configuring the master node for a grid setup
Licensing of grid workers
Configuring licenses as a consumable resource
Configuring grid presets
Controlling the number of cores utilized
Multi-job processing on grid
Other grid worker options
Testing a Grid Preset
Client-side: submitting CLC jobs to the grid
Grid Integration Tips
Understanding memory settings
Model III: Single Server setup
Workflow settings
Workflow distribution options
Choosing a workflow distribution option
Intermediate workflow result handling
Working with external data locations
Import/export directories
Direct data transfer from client systems
AWS Connections in the CLC Server
AWS S3 public buckets
Browse AWS S3 locations
Illumina BaseSpace
Working with CLC Server File System Locations
Browsing CLC Server File System Locations
Searching CLC Server File System Locations
Rebuilding the index
Installing and configuring workflows
Executing workflows
Updating workflows
BLAST databases
Status and management
Downloading a license via the web interface
Server maintenance
User statistics
System statistics
Audit log
Server plugins
External applications
External application configurations
Configuring the containerized execution environment
Configuring external applications
Editing external applications
External command
High-throughput sequencing import / Post-processing
Stream handling
Failure strategy
End user interface
Using consistent reference data in external applications
Import and export of external application configurations
Updating external application configurations
Example: Velvet (standard external application)
Installing Velvet
Running Velvet from the Workbench
Understanding the Velvet configuration
Example: Bowtie (standard external application)
Installing Bowtie
Understanding the Bowtie Map configuration
Tools for building index files
Example: Kraken2 (containerized external application)
Extending the Kraken2 external application for paired data
Example: MAFFT (containerized external application)
External applications in workflows
Running external applications
Using a CLC Workbench to launch external applications
Using CLC Server Command Line Tools to launch external applications
Troubleshooting external applications
CLC Genomics Cloud Access
Recycle bins
Automatic cleanup of recycle bins
Emptying recycle bins
Recycle bin restrictions
Configuring CLC Workbench connections
Check setup
Bug reporting
Command line tools
Analysis automation
Use of multi-core computers
Non-exclusive Algorithms
DRMAA libraries
Consumable Resources
Server system communication diagrams
Third party libraries
Read Mapper Reference Caching
Setting up JMX monitoring
Completed process metrics
Process execution metrics
Job node metrics
Number of job nodes
Attribute name:
The number of job nodes currently attached to the master server.