K-mer Based Tree Construction

The "K-mer Based Tree Construction" uses single sequences or sequence lists as input and is the simplest way of creating a distance-based phylogenetic tree. To run the "K-mer Based Tree Construction" tool:

        Toolbox | Alignments and Trees (Image alignmentsandtrees)| K-mer Based Tree Construction (Image kmer_tree_16_h_p)

Select sequences or a sequence list (figure 14.1):

Image kmerbased_step2
Figure 14.1: Creating a tree with K-mer based tree construction. Select sequences.

Next, select the construction method, specify the k-mer length and select a distance measure for tree construction (figure 14.2):

Image kmerbased_step3
Figure 14.2: Creating a tree with K-mer based tree construction. Select construction method, specify the k-mer length and select a distance measure.