
<[LOW, MEDIUM,HIGH]> A higher stringency level will tend to produce contigs with less ambiguities but will also tend to omit more sequencing reads and to generate more and shorter contigs (default: MEDIUM)
--conflicts <[VOTE, UNKNOWN, AMBIGUTY]> conflicts (default: VOTE)
-d, --destination <ClcServerObjectUrl> Destination file or folder on server. If not specified the folder of the first input object will be used.
-i, --input <ClcObjectUrl> Input data on server
--include-partly <Boolean> Remove ends of the reference sequence(s) that do not align with any reads (default: false)
> Whether to include reference sequence(s) in contig(s) or not (default: INCLUDE_REFERENCE)
--log <Boolean> Enable creation of algo log file. (default: true)
Integer: 1 <= x <= 2147483647 Exclude reads if less than this number of nucleotides can be aligned to the contig (default: 50)
--reference <ClcObjectUrl> Reference sequences or genome track
--residues <Integer> The number of overhanging residues to keep from the reference sequence(s) (default: 100)
--use-trim <Boolean> Exclude regions of sequencing reads which have previously been trimmed (default: false)