
--bonferroni-corrected <Boolean> Add Bonferroni corrected p-values to analysis. In case of one sample, test statistics and p-values are undefined. (default: false)
-d, --destination <ClcServerObjectUrl> Destination file or folder on server. If not specified the folder of the first input object will be used.
--fdr-corrected <Boolean> Add FDR corrected p-values to analysis. In case of one sample, test statistics and p-values are undefined. (default: false)
-i, --input <ClcObjectUrl> Input data on server
--log <Boolean> Enable creation of algo log file. (default: true)
--statistic <[TTEST, ANOVA]> The statistical analysis will be carried out with this statistic (default: TTEST)
<[ALLPAIRS,AGAINSTREFERENCE]> Select groups to be compared (default: ALLPAIRS)
--ttest-comparisons-reference <String> The comparison will be carried out against this reference (group name)
<[HOMOGENEOUS,INHOMOGENEOUS]> Set whether the test should be carried out under the assumption that the variances in the groups are equal or not. Note: In case of only one sample per group, all variances are zero (default: HOMOGENEOUS)
--use-pairing <Boolean> The pairing will be used to carry out paired or repeated measures versions of the tests. Samples in the experiment must be marked as pairs when setting up the experiment (default: false)
<[ORIGINAL,TRANSFORMED, NORMALIZED]> The analysis will be run on these expression values (default: ORIGINAL)