Result files and connecting analyses in pipelines

For each run of the clcserver command, a summary of the steps taken and the locations of the results, in ID form, are returned to stdout. By adding -O <filename> to the clcserver command, the locations of the results can also be written to a file.

The typical contents of such a file is shown in the example below. Here, the trim algorithm had been run on a sequence list called reads. Three data elements were generated as output, and their names and locations were written to the file specified on the command line using the -O option.

Name: reads trimmed
ClcUrl: clc://
Name: reads report
ClcUrl: clc://
Name: Trim Read log
ClcUrl: clc://

When creating pipelines of analyses, you would typically parse such a file for the locations of outputs to be used as inputs for downstream analyses. The clcresultparser tool is provided to help with this. This tool searches a file like the one shown above for an expression supplied to it. By default, it returns the locations of data elements where all or part of the Name field matches the search term supplied.

For example, if the file shown above was called results.txt, the location of the trimmed reads output could be obtained by running this command:

    clcresultparser -f result.txt -c trimmed
Here, the following would be returned, indicating the location of the data element:


The parameters for the clcresultparser program are described below. Running the tool without any arguments will also return information about the available parameters.

-f <name of result file to parse>
This option is required.
-F <field name to search>
Specify the field in the file to search against. (default: Name)
-O <field contents to report>
Field to be printed for matching entries. (default: ClcUrl)
-c <text>
Text to search for. If nothing is found, the command returns with exit code 1.
-n <text>
Entries where this text is found are not reported. (Case insensitive)
-r <regexp>
A Java regular expression used for matching the name of the output (see
-p <prefix text>
When more than one match is found, the data locations for all matches will be output as a space-separated list. With this option, you stipulate the character(s) to separate the list with. E.g. If you need to send several files output by the clcresultparser command as arguments to -i options for the next analysis, you could supply "-i" as the argument for the -p flag.
-e <integer>
The number of entries that are expected to be returned. If the number of results does not match this number, the command will return with exit code 10. This option is designed for use in scripts where you will wish to carry out validation steps are you proceed through the pipeline. (On the command line, you can check the error code returned by the previous command by typing echo $?)
- -ignorelogs <boolean>
By default, all analyses produce log files. You can provide false as the argument to this option to stop log files from being returned. This is equivalent to excluding all names ending with log, or log with a number suffix. The latter are generated when there is more than one log file in the same folder.
-C <integer>
Specifies the column width of the help output.