Installing a workflow

Workflow .cpw files can be installed on a CLC Workbench using the Workflow Manager:

        Utilities | Manage Workflows (Image WorkflowManage_16_n_p)

or press the "Workflows" button (Image workflows_16_n_p) in the toolbar and then select "Manage Workflows..." (Image WorkflowManage_16_n_p).

To install a workflow, click on Install from File and select a .cpw file. If the workflow has bundled data, you will be prompted for a location for that data. Once installed, the workflow will appear under the Installed Workflows tab (figure 11.65).

Image workflow_need_configuration_wb
Figure 11.65: Workflows available in the workflow manager. The alert on the "Variant detection" workflow means that this workflow needs to be updated.

See Creating a workflow installation file for information about options for handling reference data inputs.

Information about installing workflows on a CLC Server is provided in the CLC Server manual at: