Protein info
These preferences only apply to proteins. The first nine items are different hydrophobicity scales.
- Kyte-Doolittle. The Kyte-Doolittle scale is widely used for detecting hydrophobic regions in proteins. Regions with a positive value are hydrophobic. This scale can be used for identifying both surface-exposed regions as well as transmembrane regions, depending on the window size used. Short window sizes of 5-7 generally work well for predicting putative surface-exposed regions. Large window sizes of 19-21 are well suited for finding transmembrane domains if the values calculated are above 1.6 [Kyte and Doolittle, 1982]. These values should be used as a rule of thumb and deviations from the rule may occur.
- Cornette. Cornette et al. computed an optimal hydrophobicity scale based on 28 published scales [Cornette et al., 1987]. This optimized scale is also suitable for prediction of alpha-helices in proteins.
- Engelman. The Engelman hydrophobicity scale, also known as the GES-scale, is another scale which can be used for prediction of protein hydrophobicity [Engelman et al., 1986]. As the Kyte-Doolittle scale, this scale is useful for predicting transmembrane regions in proteins.
- Eisenberg. The Eisenberg scale is a normalized consensus hydrophobicity scale which shares many features with the other hydrophobicity scales [Eisenberg et al., 1984].
- Rose. The hydrophobicity scale by Rose et al. is correlated to the average area of buried amino acids in globular proteins [Rose et al., 1985]. This results in a scale which is not showing the helices of a protein, but rather the surface accessibility.
- Janin. This scale also provides information about the accessible and buried amino acid residues of globular proteins [Janin, 1979].
- Hopp-Woods. Hopp and Woods developed their hydrophobicity scale for identification of potentially antigenic sites in proteins. This scale is basically a hydrophilic index where apolar residues have been assigned negative values. Antigenic sites are likely to be predicted when using a window size of 7 [Hopp and Woods, 1983].
- Welling. [Welling et al., 1985] Welling et al. used information on the relative occurrence of amino acids in antigenic regions to make a scale which is useful for prediction of antigenic regions. This method is better than the Hopp-Woods scale of hydrophobicity which is also used to identify antigenic regions.
- Kolaskar-Tongaonkar. A semi-empirical method for prediction of antigenic regions has been developed [Kolaskar and Tongaonkar, 1990]. This method also includes information of surface accessibility and flexibility and at the time of publication the method was able to predict antigenic determinants with an accuracy of 75%.
- Surface Probability. Display of surface probability based on the algorithm by [Emini et al., 1985]. This algorithm has been used to identify antigenic determinants on the surface of proteins.
- Chain Flexibility. Display of backbone chain flexibility based on the algorithm by [Karplus and Schulz, 1985]. It is known that chain flexibility is an indication of a putative antigenic determinant.