
Ingenuity Variant Analysis plugin provides the ability to carry out an Ingenuity Variant Analysis on variant tracks generated in the Workbench, and to annotate and filter variants based on information present in the Allele Frequency Community. The latest available content from the Ingenuity Knowledge Base and Allele Frequency Community is used in the biological interpretation of input variants from whole genome, whole exome, targeted amplicon, or whole transcriptome sequencing experiments. By using published biological knowledge of disease biology, the Ingenuity Variant Analysis plugin can be used to prioritize your variants. The purpose of the integration is to supplement the abilities of the Workbench with the biological knowledge available in Ingenuity Variant Analysis and the Allele Frequency Community.

The plugin bundles four tools, which can be found in the Ingenuity Variant Analysis folder in the Toolbox:

In addition to the four tools, the plugin comes with three ready-to-use workflows installed under the respective applications in the toolbox (Whole Genome Sequencing or Whole Exome Sequencing).

Furthermore, the plugin includes the possibility to update a variant track containing the results of an Ingenuity Variant Analysis, if you change the filtering settings inside the Ingenuity Variant Analysis web interface.

Access to Ingenuity Variant Analysis requires a subscription. However a one-month trial period is available and allows the analysis of up to 4 samples. The first step is to register for an Ingenuity Variant Analysis account Upon completion of registration, you will receive an email to activate your new Ingenuity Variant Analysis account. Once you've logged in for the first time and accepted the End User License Agreement, you can use these credentials to allow the plugin to send variant data from CLC Genomics Workbench to Ingenuity Variant Analysis.

If you opt into the Allele Frequency Community, you will get a month of free analysis without a subscription to Ingenuity Variant Analysis. See Changing Allele Frequency Community opt-in settings to change your Allele Frequency Community opt-in status.