Ingenuity Variant Analysis for Hereditary Diseases

To start the tool, go to:

Ingenuity Variant Analysis | Ingenuity Variant Analysis for Hereditary Diseases

If you are connected to a server, you will first be asked about where you would like to run the analysis. If you are not connected to a server, the first step is to specify the input for the analysis. The Ingenuity Variant Analysis for Hereditary Diseases tool accepts a single variant track (Image variant_track_16_n_p) as input. Select the proband variant track, i.e., the individual affected by the disease you are studying, as shown in figure 3.1.

Image ivagenetictool_input_selection
Figure 3.1: Select first the proband variant track.

You can then set the analysis parameters (figure 3.2).

Image ivagenetictool_variant_analysis_parameters
Figure 3.2: Specify the analysis parameters.

The "Family information" dialog allows you to specify family data for the analysis (figure 3.3).

Image parents_parameters
Figure 3.3: Specify family data for your analysis. Data for at least one parent must be specified at this step

A second "Family information" dialog gives you the possibility to specify further family data for the analysis (figure 3.4). Similarly to the previous step, you can specify for each sibling a variant track, disease status and gender. However, check the pipeline of interest in Genetic disease pipelines, as adding non-supported information for a specific pipeline might alter the results.

Image siblings_parameters
Figure 3.4: At this step, you have the option to specify variant tracks for siblings of the proband.

In the next dialog you must specify your Ingenuity username (email address) and password (figure 3.5). If you do not have an Ingenuity username or password, you must first create an Ingenuity account (see Introduction to the Ingenuity Variant Analysis plugin to learn how).

Image ivagenetictool_account_info_step
Figure 3.5: Specify the account information: your Ingenuity username (email address) and password are required at this step.

In the "Result handling" wizard step (figure 3.6) you can set the output options.

Image ivagenetictool_savestep
Figure 3.6: The result handling step.

If the Import annotated and filtered variants option is checked, the tool will produce a variant track as output. If it is unchecked, the analysis will be created, and can be accessed inside the Ingenuity Variant Analysis web interface, but the results will not be imported into the workbench. Note: it is not possible to import results if you have selected the Upload only pipeline earlier in the wizard.

If you choose to open the results the two generated outputs will be opened in the View Area without being saved. In this case you will have to manually save the outputs if you would like to keep them. If you choose to save the outputs, click on the button labeled Next to specify where to save the results and click on the button labeled Finish to start the Ingenuity Variant Analysis. Your results will not be opened automatically but will be saved at the destination you have specified.

The outputs and how to manually adjust filter settings are described in Analysis using the plugin and the IVA web interface.
