Other formats
CSV importer
The CSV/TXT importer supports import of text data in a full table format.
- Expression matrix. A single file to be imported.
- Table layout. Choose whether the table has cells in columns and features in rows, or is transposed such that features are in columns and cells are in rows.
- Separator. Choose the column separator.
Working with spreadsheets Be careful to check that all the data is present before import if the file originates from a spreadsheet program. Such programs often impose limits on the number of rows and columns. |
MEX importer
The MEX importer requires at least two files to be supplied:
- Barcodes file. A file with the extension .tsv and tab-separated columns, with one row per barcode. It can optionally contain a header. The barcodes are read from the first column. Empty lines are ignored.
Use the Cell format option to control how the barcodes should be interpreted - for example if it also includes information about the sample.
- Feature file. A file with the extension .tsv and one row per feature. It can optionally contain a header. Empty lines are ignored.
It contains multiple tab-separated columns:
- One column: the feature name.
- Two columns: the feature identifier and name.
- Three columns: the feature identifier, name, and type. Of the commonly used feature types, "Gene Expression", "Transcript Expression", and "Spike-in" are the most important ones. Other features, such as "Antibody Capture" will be silently ignored by most tools.
For 10x Multiome files there will be six columns. The last three consist of genome coordinates and will be ignored. Lines with feature type "Peaks" will also be ignored. They should instead be imported as a Peak Count Matrix (see Import Peak Count Matrix).
- Matrix file. A file containing the expression with the extension .mtx in the Matrix Market Exchange Coordinate Format.
- Matrix file (spliced). A file containing the spliced counts with the extension .mtx in the Matrix Market Exchange Coordinate Format.
- Matrix file (unspliced). A file containing the unspliced counts with the extension .mtx in the Matrix Market Exchange Coordinate Format.
- Name. The name of the imported matrix. If Cell format is not configured to parse a sample name from each barcode in the barcodes file, then this will also be the sample name for all the imported barcodes.
- Files are in same directory. This option is provided for convenience. When enabled, updating any one of the three files to a file in a new directory will lead to automatic updates of the other two files, if suitable candidates can be found in the same directory. This option only works for local files.
For all three .mtx files, the features must be in the first dimension (rows) and cells in the second (columns). See https://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/formats.html for details of the Matrix Market Exchange Coordinate Format.
See additional details in the `Options for importing spliced and unspliced counts' section on how the total expression is calculated.
MEX archive importer
The MEX archive importer is provided for convenience. A .zip, .tar or .tar.gz archive file can be provided in the Archive file containing the files required by the MEX importer. In order to uniquely identify each file, these must have a specific name:
- Barcodes file must be named barcodes.tsv
- Feature file must either be named features.tsv or genes.tsv
- Matrix file must be named matrix.mtx
- Matrix file (spliced) must be named spliced.mtx
- Matrix file (unspliced) must be named unspliced.mtx
The importer can be configured to either import an Expression Matrix (), or an Expression Matrix with spliced and unspliced counts (). For the first option, `Import expressions' must be enabled, while for the second option, `Import spliced/unspliced' must be enabled.
Either the `Matrix file', or `Matrix file (spliced)' and Matrix file (unspliced)' can be missing from the archive, depending on how the importer has been configured.
For all three .mtx files, the features must be in the first dimension (rows) and cells in the second (columns). See https://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/formats.html for details of the Matrix Market Exchange Coordinate Format.
See additional details in the `Options for importing spliced and unspliced counts' section on how the total expression is calculated.
ParseBio MTX importer
The ParseBio MTX importer requires three files to be supplied:
- Cell metadata file. A file with the extension .csv and comma separated columns, with one row per barcode. It must contain headers. The following options relating to the cell metadata file are available:
- Barcode column. The name of the column containing the barcodes.
- Cell metadata has sample name. If checked, the sample name is read from the file. Otherwise, the sample name is defined by the general options (see Cell format in importers).
- Sample column (Optional). The name of the column containing the sample names.
- Feature file. A file with the extension .csv and comma separated columns, with one row per feature. The following options relating to the feature file are available:
- Feature id column (Optional). The name of the column containing the feature identifiers (e.g., ENSG00000243485 for ENSEMBL).
- Feature name column.The name of the column containing the feature names.
- Matrix file. A file containing the expression with the extension .mtx in the Matrix Market Exchange Coordinate Format. Cells must be in the first dimension (rows) and features in the second (columns). See https://math.nist.gov/MatrixMarket/formats.html for details of the Matrix Market Exchange Coordinate Format.