Supported grid scheduling systems

CLC officially supports the third party scheduling systems OGE, PBS Pro and IBM Platform LSF. We have tested the following versions:

On a more general level:

An example of a system that works for submitting CLC jobs, but which cannot be officially supported due to the second of the above points is PBS Torque. As far as we know, there is no way to limit the number of CLC jobs sent simultaneously to the cluster to match the number of CLC Gridworker licenses. So, with PBS Torque, if you had three Gridworker licenses, up to three jobs could be run simultaneously. However, if three jobs are already running and you launch a fourth job, then this fourth job will fail because there would be no license available for it.

This limitation can be overcome, allowing you to work with systems such as PBS Torque, if you control the job submission in some other way so the license number is not exceeded. One possible setup for this is if you have a one-node-runs-one-job setup. You could then set up a queue where jobs are only sent to a certain number of nodes, where that number matches the number of CLC Gridworker licenses you have.