
You can start and stop the CLC Genomics Server service from the command line. You can also configure the service to start up automatically after the server machine is rebooted.

During installation of the CLC Genomics Server a service script named CLCGenomicsServer is placed in /etc/init.d/ This script includes the name of the custom user account specified during installation for running the CLC Genomics Server process.

Starting and stopped the service using the command line:

To start the CLC Genomics Server:

sudo service CLCGenomicsServer start

To stop the CLC Genomics Server:

sudo service CLCGenomicsServer stop

To restart the CLC Genomics Server:

sudo service CLCGenomicsServer restart

To view the status of the CLC Genomics Server:

sudo service CLCGenomicsServer status

Start service on boot up:

On Red Hat Enteprise Linux and SuSE this can be done using the command:

sudo chkconfig CLCGenomicsServer on

How to configure a service to automatically start on reboot depends on the specific Linux distribution. Please refer to your system documentation for further details.


If the CLC Genomics Server is run as a service as suggested above, then the files in the installation area of the software and the data files created after installation in CLC Server File Locations will be owned by the user specified to run the CLC Genomics Server process. If someone starts up the CLC Genomics Server process as root (i.e. an account with super-user privileges) then the following steps are recommended to rectify the situation:

  1. Stop the CLC Genomics Server process using the script located within the installation area of the CLC Genomics Server software. You can do that using the full path to this script, or by navigating to the installation area and running:

    sudo ./CLCGenomicsServer stop

  2. Change ownership recursively on all files in the installation area of the software and on all areas specified as Server File Locations.

  3. Start the CLC Genomics Server service as the specified user by using the service script:

    sudo service CLCGenomicsServer start