External applications integration: Basic configuration

Many aspects of configuring external tools in the CLC Genomics Server can be described as we set up a very simple command. We have chosen the cp command as will already be on your server.

The cp command requires at minimum two parameters, an input file and an output file. These parameters are positional: the first filename given after the command is the input file, the second is the output file. Here we will just copy a fasta file from one place in the CLC Genomics Server to another. This is a very inefficient way of doing this task, but it will illustrate how to integrate a command line tool without requring you to install additional software on your system.

Under the External Applications tab of the CLC Genomics Server administrative web interface, click on the New configuration button. This brings up a window like the one shown in figure 7.2. In the text box labeled External applications command name, enter a name for this command. This will be what the end-user sees in the menu option that they will be presented with via the Workbench. In the text box labeled command line argument, provide the command line. Start with the command, and within curly brackets, include any parameter that needs to be configured by the user. The names of the parameters inside the curly brackets will become the labels of the choices offered to the end-user when they start up this external application via their Workbench. Figure 7.2 shows how this looks if we give the cp command two parameters: in and out.

Image extaptsimpleconfig1
Figure 7.2: Setting up the cp command as an external application.

Two drop-down menus have now appeared in the blue shaded area of the window in figure 7.2. These are dynamically generated. Each parameter you enter in curly brackets in the command text box area will have a drop-down menu created for it. The text you entered within the curly brackets is used to label the entries in the administrative interface, and are also the labels used in the end-user interface presented via the Workbench.

The administrator now chooses the type of data each parameter will refer to. The options are:

In the right hand side of figure 7.2 we set the parameters so that the input file to be sent to the system's copy command will be specified by the user, and we tell the system to export this file from the CLC Server as a fasta file. We then configure the import of output file from the copy command back into the CLC Server, and specify that we are importing a fasta file. When configuring standard bioinformatics third party applications, you are able to choose from many standard formats to export from, and to import back into, the CLC Genomics Server.

Once the configuration is complete and has been saved, the external application should now appear in the list in the administrative web interface.

The small checkbox to the left of the external application name should be checked. This means it is will be accessible to those with the Workbench plug-in installed. If a particular external application needs to be removed from end-user access for a while, this small box can just be unchecked.