Getting and installing JDBC drivers

For MySQL or Oracle databases, the appropriate JDBC driver must be available for the application. If you do not already have the appropriate JDBC driver, it needs to be downloaded from the provider and then placed in the userlib directory in the installation area of the CLC software.

Details for the MySQL JDBC Driver

  1. Go to the page to download the driver.
  2. Please choose the option Platform Independent when selecting a platform.
  3. After clicking on the buttong to Download, you can login if you already have an Oracle Web account, or you can just click on the link that says No thanks, just start my download further down the page.
  4. Uncompress the downloaded file and move the driver file, which will have a name of this form: mysql-connector-java-X.X.XX-bin.jar, to the folder called userlib.

Details for the Oracle JDBC Driver

  1. Go to the page
  2. Select the version for your Oracle database version that will work with Java 1.6.

    For example, for 11g, the ojdbc6.jar includes classes for use with JDK 1.6.

    You will need an Oracle account to download the driver.

  3. Move the driver jar file to the folder called userlib.

Completing the installation

After the JDBC driver is in the userlib folder, then: