Consumable Resources

Setting up Consumable Resources with LSF

The following information was provided by IBM.

If you have questions or issues with setting up a consumable resource for LSF, please refer to your LSF documentation. For questions not covered there, please contact and

LSF has the ability to do "license scheduling" and ensure that CLC Server jobs running under LSF are only dispatched when there are available CLC Grid Worker licenses. When such scheduling is configured, CLC jobs for which no free licenses are available would stay in "pend" status, waiting for a CLC Grid Worker license to become available.

There are two parts to making use of this type of scheduling:

  1. Configure the consumable resource in LSF.
  2. Specify a clcbio license reservation when jobs are submitted to LSF.

Configuring the consumable resource in LSF

Add a consumable resource called clcbio in $LSF_ENVDIR/lsf.shared:

Begin Resource
    mips      Boolean ()       ()       (MIPS architecture)
    clcbio    Numeric ()        N       (clcbio license)
 End Resource

Add the number of clcbio licenses in $LSF_ENVDIR/lsf.cluster.<clustername>:

Begin ResourceMap
 # CLCBIO license resource
 clcbio        (14@[all])  # 14 clcbio licenses can be used
End Resource Map

This examples shows a configuration for 14 CLC Grid Worker licenses, which means that up to 14 CLC jobs can be running on the LSF cluster at the same time. This integer needs to be changed to the number of licenses you own.

The configuration shown here assumes the CLC Grid Worker licenses can only be use in the LSF cluster as LSF will manage the free token count from the scheduling side.

In this context, LSF does not replace or directly talk to the LMX license server for CLC licenses. Rather, LSF manages the CLC Grid Worker license reservations internally.

Specify a clcbio license reservation when jobs are submitted to LSF

CLC jobs submitted to LSF need to have a clcbio license reservation specified.

This can be done in several different ways:

Important: After any LSF configuration file changes, one needs to reconfigure LSF for the changes to take effect. That is, run:

lsadmin reconfig
badmin reconfig

These are "safe" commands to run. That is, pending LSF jobs will continue to "pend" in status and running LSF jobs will continue to run.