Non-exclusive Algorithms

Below is a list of algorithms which are non-exclusive, meaning that multiple jobs of these types can be run concurrently on a given node, be that a single server, job or grid node.

Algorithms marked as Streaming are I/O intensive and two streaming algorithms will not be run at the same time. When running on grid, Streaming algorithms are treated as exclusive, meaning that they will never run in conjunction with other algorithms (or themselves). The two Server types are B = Biomedical Genomics Server Extension, and G = CLC Genomics Server.

Algorithm Streaming Server type
Add attB Sites   B, G
Add Conservation Scores X B
Add Exon Number X B
Add Flanking Sequence X B
Add Information about Amino Acid Changes X B
Add Information from Variant Databases X B
Amino Acid Changes X G
Annotate and Merge Counts   B, G
Annotate from Known Variants X G
Annotate with Conservation Score X G
Annotate with Exon Numbers X G
Annotate with Flanking Sequences X G
Annotate with Nearby Gene Information   B, G
Annotate with Overlap Information X G
Assemble Sequences   B, G
Assemble Sequences to Reference   B, G
ChIP-Seq Analysis   B, G
ChIP-Seq Analysis (legacy)   G
Compare Sample Variant Tracks X G
Convert DNA To RNA X G
Convert from Tracks X G
Convert RNA to DNA X G
Convert to Tracks X G
Count-based statistical analysis   G
Coverage Analysis   G
Create Alignment   G
Create BLAST Database   G
Create Detailed Mapping Report   G
Create Entry Clone (BP)   B, G
Create Expression Clone (LR)   B, G
Create GC Content Graph Track   B, G
Create Histogram   B, G
Create Mapping Graph Tracks   G
Create New Genome Browser View   B
Create Statistics for Target Regions   G
Create Track List   G
Create Tree   G
Demultiplex Reads   B, G
Download 3D Protein Structure Database X B, G
Empirical Analysis of DGE   B, G
Extract and Count   B, G
Extract Annotations   G
Extract Consensus Sequence   G
Extract Reads Based on Overlap   B, G
Extract Sequences X B, G
Fasta High-Throughput Sequencing Import X G
Filter against Control Reads X G
Filter against Known Variants X G
Filter Annotations on Name X G
Filter Based on Overlap X G
Filter Marginal Variant Calls X G
Filter Reference Variants X G
Find Binding Sites and Create Fragments   B, G
Find Open Reading Frames   G
Fisher Exact Test X G
GO Enrichment Analysis   G
Identify Enriched Variants in Case vs Control Group X B
Identify Graph Threshold Areas   B, G
Identify Highly Mutated Gene Groups and Pathways   B
Identify Variants with Effect on Splicing   B
Illumina High-Throughput Sequencing Import X B, G
Import SAM/BAM Mapping Files X B, G
Import Tracks from File   B, G
InDels and Structural Variants   B, G
Ion Torrent High-Throughput Sequencing Import X B, G
Link Variants to 3D Protein Structure X B, G
Merge Annotation Tracks X G
Merge Overlapping Pairs   B, G
Merge Read Mappings X B, G
Motif Search   G
Gaussian Statistical Analysis   G
Predict Splice Site Effect   G
Probabilistic Variant Detection   B, G
QC for Read Mapping   B
QC for Target Sequencing   B
Quality-based Variant Detection   B, G
Remove False Positives X B
Remove Germline Variants X B
Remove Reference Variants X B
Reverse Complement Sequence   G
Reverse Sequence   G
Roche 454 High-Throughput Sequencing Import X B, G
Sanger High-Throughput Sequencing Import X B, G
Secondary Peak Calling   B, G
Select Genes by Name X B
Solid High-Throughput Sequencing Import X B, G
Translate to Protein   G
Trim Sequences   B, G
TRIO analysis   B, G
Whole Genome Coverage Analysis   B