High throughput sequencing importers and post processing tools

Data generated by the external tool can be imported using a high throughput sequencing importer or processed by a post processing tool on the CLC Server. A general description of this is given in this section. For further details, please refer to section 12.9, which covers configuring Bowtie as an external application. There, two post processing tools are configured for the import of the results.

To configure a high throughput sequencing importer or post processing tool:

After configuration is complete, the text displayed in the General Configuration panel for the second drop down field of the relevant parameter will indicate which tool it has been linked to. For example, if the post processing tool: "Import SAM/BAM Mapping Files" was configured and the relevant output mapped to it, the text in the General configuration area for the relevant output would show: "Linked with Import SAM/BAM Mapping Files" in the second field.

If you change your mind about linking to a high throughput sequencing importer or post processing tool from an external application parameter, you must remove the connection between the two. This would usually be done by deleting the relevant configuration in the High-throughput sequencing import / Post processing area.