Configuring Workbenches to use network licenses

Configuring a CLC Workbench to connect to the CLC Network License Manager is done using the Workbench's License Manager.

Once configured, the information about how to connect to the CLC Network License Manager is stored in a file called under the settings directory in the installation area of the Workbench (e.g. C:\Program Files\CLC Main Workbench 24\settings\

To configure a Workbench to connect to a CLC Network License Manager, select the Configure license manager connection option and click on the Next button. A dialog appears, as shown in figure 5.1.

Image floating_license_step2
Figure 5.1: Configuring the connection to a CLC Network License Manager.

The options in that dialog are:

Releasing Workbench network licenses

Once a network license for a CLC Workbench has been obtained, the Workbench must be shut down to release that license for others to use. While it is possible for a license to be pulled from a running Workbench, in practice, that Workbench will immediately retrieve the license just released.

Modules and network licenses

A relevant license is needed to run tools delivered by modules, and to submit jobs to be run on the cloud via a CLC Workbench.

To maximize availability, module licenses are first checked out when a job requiring the module is undertaken. Module licenses are checked back in (returned) when the CLC Workbench is closed, or four hours after the most recent job requiring that license was launched, whichever is shortest.

Job completion does not depend on the CLC Workbench having a module license checked out.

A note about borrowing module licenses: If you plan to borrow network module licenses and the CLC Network License Manager will not be continuously accessible from the CLC Workbench, then while there is still a connection, launch a job that requires the relevant module. If available, the relevant license will be checked out, and can then be borrowed. When a module license is borrowed, the four hour validity period mentioned above is not relevant. The module licenses are borrowed for the time period that you specify.

Borrowing a license

A CLC Workbench using a network license normally needs to maintain a connection to the CLC Network License Manager. However, if allowed by the network license administrator, network licenses can be borrowed for offline use for a period of time. While the license is borrowed, there is one less network license available for other users. Borrowed licenses can be returned early.

The Workbench must be connected to the CLC Network License Manager at the point when the license is borrowed or returned. The procedure for borrowing a license is:

  1. Go to the Workbench menu option:

    Help | License Manager...

  2. Click on the "Borrow License" tab to display the license borrowing settings (figure 5.2).

    Image borrow
    Figure 5.2: Borrowing a license from a CLC Network License Manager.

  3. Select the license(s) that you wish to borrow by clicking in the checkboxes in the Borrow column in the License overview panel.

    If you plan to borrow module licenses but they are not listed, start a job that requires that module. This will check out the relevant module license, so that it becomes available to borrow.

  4. Choose the length of time you wish to borrow the license(s) for using the drop down list in the Borrow License tab. By default the maximum is 7 days, but network license administrators can specify a lower limit than this.
  5. Click Borrow Selected Licenses.
  6. Close the License Manager when you are done.

You can now go offline and continue working with the CLC Workbench. When the time period you borrowed the license for has elapsed, the network license will be again made available for other users. To continue using CLC Workbench with a license, you will need to connect to the network again so the Workbench can request another license.

You can return borrowed licenses early opening up the License Manager, going to the "Borrow License" tab, and clicking on the Return Borrowed Licenses button.

Common issues when using a network license

Some issues that may be experienced when using network licenses are: