Temporary data

The Workbench writes temporary files to the disk during some types of analysis. Depending on the data set, these temporary files can take up a lot of disk space.

By default, temporary files generated by the Workbench are written to the standard temporary file area on the machine. If space in that area is limited, a different location for Workbench temporary files should be specified. T do this, create a text file called path.properties and save it in the settings folder in the Workbench installation directory. Please ensure this file does not have a name with an additional extension, e.g. ".txt".

The path.properties should include a line like this:

	tmpdir = /path-to-temp
where "/path-to-temp" should be the absolute path to the new tmp directory. When the Workbench is restarted, it will start using this configured directory for storing temporary data.

You can download a sample path.properties file at

Important: Temp space should be located on the local system. For acceptable performance data transfer to the temp directory must not be over a network connection. The Workbench spends a lot of time reading and writing these temporary files, so the data access speed has a great impact on overall performance when working with large data sets.