Controlling the number of cores utilized
In order to configure core usage, the native specification of the grid preset needs to be properly configured. This configuration depends on the grid system used. By default all cores on an execution node will be used.
From version 4.01 of the CLC Genomics Server, all cores on an execution node will be used by default. Unless otherwise configured to limit the number of cores used for a job involving assembly or read mapping phases, a dedicated queue must then be setup, which only schedules a single job on any given machine at a time. Otherwise your CLC jobs may conflict with others running on the same execution host at the same time.
Resource Aware Grid Presets
If Resource Aware mode is enabled for a grid preset, algorithms can provide hints regarding their core/thread requirements. Enabling Resource Aware mode allows two separate native specification to be used to submit job:
The string entered in "Native Specification" is used for algorithms that require many resources and are therefore viewed as being "exclusive".
"Shared Native Specification" is used for algorithms that are highly CPU bound and which therefore can share an execution node with other algorithms.
To help configure the resource requirements the two placeholders COMMAND_THREAD_MIN and COMMAND_THREAD_MAX are used. They will be substituted at runtime with the actual minimum or maximum number of threads required by the task about to be scheduled on the grid.
Some grids allow threads to be allocated by requesting a range, other grids only allow a fixed number of threads to be requested. In order to support both scenarios, the take_lower_of and take_higher_of functions are provided which can be used in conjunction with the COMMAND_THREAD_MIN and COMMAND_THREAD_MAX placeholders. If you want to request the maximum number of threads supported by the command being executed, but want the value to be bound by 32, because you have no nodes with more than 32 cores, the following expansion can be used as shared native specification: {#take_lower_of COMMAND_THREAD_MAX, 32}
If a grid preset is set to Legacy-mode, all jobs will be submitted using the Native Specification for exclusive jobs.
Configuration of OGE/SGE
1) CPU Core usage when not using parallel environment
By default the CLC Servers ignores the number of slots assigned to a grid job, and utilizes all cores of the execution host. That is, jobs will run on all cores of a execution host.
In the CLC Server, there is an environmental variable, which, when set to 1, will specify that the number of allocated slots should be interpreted as the maximum number of cores a job should be run on. To set this environmental variable, add the following to the native specification of the grid preset:
In this case, the number of utilized cores is equal to the number of slots allocated by OGE for the job.
2) Limiting CPU core usage by utilizing parallel environment
The parallel environment feature can be used to limit the number of cores used by CLC Science Server, when running jobs on the grid. The syntax in the native specification for using parallel environments is:
When the parallel environments feature is used, the number of allocated slots is interpreted as the number of cores to be used. That is, the number of utilized cores is equal to the number of slots in this case.
The parallel environment, selected by its name, must be setup by the grid administrator (documentation provided by Oracle will cover this subject area), in such a way that the number of slots corresponds to the number of cores.
specify a range of cores, which the jobs submitted through this grid preset can run under. Care must be taken not to set $MIN_CORE
too high, as the job might never be run (e.g. if there is no system with that many cores available), and the submitting user will not be warned by this fact.
An example of a native specification using parallel environments is the following:
-l cfl=1 -l qname=32bit -pe clc 1-3
Here, the clc parallel environment is selected, and 1 to 3 cores are requested.
Older versions of the CLC Genomics Server
CLC Genomics Server version 4.0 and older utilize CPU cores equal to the number of allocated slots, unless a parallel environment is in use, in which case the behaviour is the same as described previously. In many situations the number of allocated slots is 1, effectively resulting in CLC jobs running on one core only.
Configuration of PBS Pro
With PBS Pro it is not possible to specify a range of cores (at least not to our knowledge). Here one specifies exactly how many cores are needed. This request can be granted (the process is scheduled) or denied (the process is not scheduled). It is thus very important to choose a realistic number. The number of cores are requested as a resource: -l nodes=1:ppn=X
, where X is the number of cores. As this resource is also designed to work with parallel system, the number of nodes is allowed to be larger than 1. For the sake of scheduling cores, it is vital that this parameter is kept at 1. An example of a native specification is: -q bit32 -l nodes=1:ppn=2
, which will request two cores and be queued in the bit32 queue.
Configuration og LSF
With LSF the number of cores to use is specified with the -n
option. It can be used both with a single argument, and with two arguments. If only one argument is given, -n X
, LSF interprets the request to be fixed. I.e. exactly X cores are requested. If two arguments are provided, -n X,Y
, they must be separated by a comma, and are interpreted as a range. I.e. allocate between X and Y cores.