Configuring additional parameters

emptyfig:copyAndAlign2b emptyCreating a new end user parameter and mapping it to a post processing parameter. emptymanual-sequence-viewer/figures/server/copyAndAlign2b.png

Figure 8.5: empty

emptyfig:copyAndAlign2c emptyConfiguring default values for post processing parameters. emptymanual-sequence-viewer/figures/server/copyAndAlign2c.png

Figure 8.6: empty

Additional parameters that may exist for the selected post processing tool can be configured by either:

  1. Letting the end user configure the parameter. This is done by either
    1. mapping an existing parameter to a parameter of the post processing tool, or
    2. Creating a new end-user parameter for the post processing, by clicking the Create New End User Parameter for Post Processing button. This parameter will then appear in the list of parameters and should be mapped to a compatible parameter of the post processing tool.
    In our running example we will create a parameter to let the end user configure the ``Gap extension cost'' parameter of the Create Alignment tool, see figure 8.5.
  2. Configuring a default value for the parameter, which is done by clicking the button ``Edit default parameters for X'', where X is the name of the selected post processing tool. This will open a window where defaults for parameters of the post processing tool can be configured. In our running example, this can be seen in Fig. 8.6.