Germline variant detection

Based on the read mapping, germline variants are identified at positions where the read alignment supports a significant difference to the reference genome.

This is achieved through a site model, where each position is first assigned a likelihood for each of the genotypes A, C, T, G, N or missing. The algorithm then iterates over the read mapping and adjusts likelihoods per position for each genotype based on observations in the data until the likelihoods no longer change. Note that broken read pairs are not considered.

Each positon is then inspected, and positions where the most likely genotype(s) are different from the reference sequence are identified. As the algorithm expects the genome to be diploid and is calling germline variants, only 1 or 2 genotypes per position are considered.

Variant types

LightSpeed Fastq to Germline Variants reports SNPs, MNVs and InDels and replacements provided that the variants are contained within at least one paired end read.

Variant annotations

Variants identified by LightSpeed Fastq to Germline Variants are annotated with the following basic information: Chromosome, Region, Type, Reference, Allele, Reference allele, Length, Zygosity, Count, Coverage, Frequency, QUAL and Genotype. Only single base pair variants, that are not adjacent to any other variants, are assigned a QUAL score.

Read about variant annotations here: