Output from the Identify QIAseq DNA Variants workflow

The Identify QIAseq DNA Variants workflow produces a Genome Browser View (Image trackset_16_n_p) as well as the following files, available in a subfolder as seen in figure 3.6):

Image outputqiaseqtut
Figure 3.6: Output from the Identify QIAseq DNA Variants workflow without CNV detection.

The Unfiltered variants track is included in the output so you can also review why a variant that was expected in the output would have been filtered out of the Variants passing filters track. The difference between the Unfiltered variants track and the Variants passing filters track depends on the following options available in the filtering steps:

The workflow also produces a QC report for the target enrichment that offers statistics on the numbers of targets for which all positions are covered by the "Minimum coverage" threshold set in the QC for targeted sequencing dialog.

The read mapping of the merged UMI groups will let you verify the found variants, and examine why expected variants were not found. The UMI Groups Report gives information about the number of UMI groups found, and how many reads are in each. It includes the following information:

Note about exporting output files in SAM/BAM format Exporting UMI reads as BAM files will show UMI described as Unique_Molecular_Index=[number1]_count=[number2], where number1 is a UMI ID (just a unique UMI group number), and number2 is the number of reads that are in that UMI group.