Filter Cell Clonotypes

Sometimes it can be desirable to restrict Cell Clonotypes to only a specific subset, for example only productive clonotypes, or only cells that have both the TRA and TRB chains identified. This can be achieved with the Filter Cell Clonotypes tool, which can be found in the Toolbox here:

        Immune Repertoire (Image sc_immune_rept_folder_open_16_n_p) | Filter Cell Clonotypes (Image sc_cell_clonotypes_filter_16_n_p)

The tool takes a Cell Clonotypes (Image cell_clonotypes_16_n_p) element as input and produces a filtered Cell Clonotypes (Image cell_clonotypes_16_n_p) element.

The following options can be adjusted (figure 10.3):

Image filter_clonotypes_wizard
Figure 10.3: The options in the dialog of the Filter Cell Clonotypes tool.

The options above can be mixed and matched to obtain the desired output. Note that the filters are applied in the order given above.

For example, assume we want to only use the primary productive clonotypes with a TRB chain. This can be obtained by enabling "Only productive", setting "Multiple clonotypes" to "Retain primary" and choosing "TRB" in "Chains to retain". If one barcode has two clonotypes with a TRB chain, the primary being non-productive and the secondary being productive, the result will contain the productive chain. Even though this chain was the secondary one in the input, when the tool applies the "Multiple clonotypes" filter, the non-productive clonotype is no longer present in the data and the secondary productive clonotype becomes therefore the primary one.

If a different order for the filters is desired, the tool can be run multiple times with just one of the filter options enabled, in the needed order. For the same example, running the tool first with "Multiple clonotypes" set to "Retain primary" and choosing "TRB" in "Chains to retain", and a second time with "Only productive" enabled, will entirely remove the TRB chains of the mentioned barcode.

The Filter Cell Clonotypes tool can optionally produce a report for each sample found in the input element, summarizing the clonotypes left after filtering. The output report includes the same information as the report produced by the Single Cell TCR-Seq Analysis tool, minus the assembly and trimming summaries (see The report output from Single Cell TCR-Seq Analysis).

To obtain a report summarizing clonotypes across samples, see Compare Single Cell Immune Repertoires.