Show element in another view

Each element can be shown in different ways. A sequence, for example, can be shown as linear, circular, text etc.

In the following example, you want to see a sequence in a circular view. If the sequence is already open in a view, you can change the view to a circular view:

        Click Show As Circular (Image circular) at the lower left part of the view

The buttons used for switching views are shown in figure 2.3).

Image switcheditorbuttons-drug
Figure 2.3: The buttons shown at the bottom of a view of a nucleotide sequence. You can click the buttons to change the view to e.g. a circular view or a history view.

If the sequence is already open in a linear view (Image sequence), and you wish to see both a circular and a linear view, you can split the views very easily:

        Press Ctrl (Image command_key_web on Mac) while you | Click Show As Circular (Image circular) at the lower left part of the view

This will open a split view with a linear view at the bottom and a circular view at the top (see 11.5).

You can also show a circular view of a sequence without opening the sequence first:

        Select the sequence in the Navigation Area | Show (Image open_file_or_folder_16_n_p) | As Circular (Image circular)