Calculate molecular properties

Using the Calculate Molecular Properties tool you can calculate commonly used properties of small molecules, such as Lipinski's rule of five or log P. These properties can be useful for identifying potential drug-like molecules, or for removing non drug-like molecules from a compound library before starting a large virtual screening experiment.

To run the "Calculate Molecular Properties" tool:

        Toolbox | Drug Design (Image DrugDesign_closed_16_n_p) | Calculate Molecular Properties (Image calculate_molecular_descriptors_16_n_p)

The Calculate Molecular Properties tool takes one or more Molecule Tables as input (figure 10.56).

Image calculate_molecular_properties_step1
Figure 10.56: Select Molecule Tables containing small molecules (ligands or docking results).

Note! Molecular properties will only be calculated for small molecules, i.e. ligands and docking results. All other molecules present in the tables will be ignored.

Click on the button labeled Next.

Image calculate_molecular_properties_step2
Figure 10.57: Molecular properties available in the Calculate Molecular Properties tool.

In the wizard step 2 (figure 10.57), the following molecular properties can be selected:

In the wizard step 3, choose to "Open" or "Save" the results and click on the button labeled Finish.

For each Molecule Table given as input, a corresponding Molecule Table containing calculated molecular properties is provided as output. The calculated molecular properties will appear as new column entries. The settings in the Side Panel can be used to toggle each property on or off (Show Columns palette). An example of calculated properties is shown in figure 10.58.

Note! The calculated molecular properties will overwrite existing information in the Molecule Tables if the column names are identical.

Image calculate_molecular_properties_output
Figure 10.58: Ligand molecules with calculated molecular properties.
