Mini dictionary

Application Type of analysis (Whole Genome Sequencing, Wole Exome Sequencing, Targeted Amplicon Sequencing, RNA-seq)
Automated workflow A workflow consisting of several tools that have been built together and only requires few inputs from the user
Navigation area The area in the left side of the CLC Cancer Research Workbench that holds the data
Ready-to-use workflow Pre-installed automated workflow consisting of several tools that have been built together and only requires few inputs from the user
Side Panel The Side Panel, shown to the right of all views that are opened in CLC Cancer Research Workbench allows you to change the way the content of a view is displayed
Status Bar The Status Bar is located at the bottom of all views. The left side of the bar shows whether the computer is making calculations or whether it is idle. The right side of the bar indicates the range of the selection of a sequence.
Tool In the CLC Cancer Research Workbench this term is used about both single tools and ready-to-use workflows
Toolbox The area in the lower left side of the CLC Cancer Research Workbench that holds the tools
Track Data is presented in track format (=genome browser view) in the CLC Cancer Research Workbench
View Area The area in the middle of the CLC Cancer Research Workbench. This is where you can visualize your results and work with your data
View Tools The area in the lower right part of the View Area. Here you can find tools for zooming, panning, and selection of data