Getting started

Data import and export

Most import and export of data is done using the tools delivered as part of the CLC Genomics Workbench. This functionality is described at

Prepare raw data

The first thing to do after data import is to check the quality of the sequencing reads and perform the necessary trimming. Note that the CLC Workbench is able to trim automatically read-through adapters, but if you are not sure you have read-through reads, you will need to provide a Trim Adapter List. To learn how to create an adapter trim list, see

A workflow is available for preparing the raw reads in the QIAGEN CLC Genomics Workbench, see

Batching workflows

Batch processing refers to running an analysis multiple times, using different inputs for each analysis run. For example, if you have 10 sequence lists and wish to run 10 mapping analyses, one per sequence list, then these 10 analyses could be launched by setting up one batch job. When a job is run in batch mode, parameter settings stay the same for each run. It is just the inputs that are changed.

See for details.

For launching a workflow with more than one input, where the contents of more than one input should change in each batch, see

An example of how to launch such a workflow in batch mode is provided for the Perform QIAseq Multimodal Analysis template workflow in Perform QIAseq Multimodal Analysis.