Annotate with RNAcentral Accession Numbers
To be able to link entries in the Grouped by Mature expression table to entries in the Gene Ontology database, both must have identical names or identifiers. The human GO annotations distributed in the QIAseq Small RNA Reference Data Set identify miRNAs by RNAcentral Accession numbers. The Annotate with RNAcentral Accession Numbers adds these identifiers to the Grouped by Mature expression table.
To run the tool, go to:
Tools | RNA-Seq Analysis | miRNA Analysis () | Annotate with RNAcentral Accession Numbers (
First select one small RNA sample - or several samples when using the batch option. In the next dialog (figure 9.23), specify the miRBase and the RNAcentral table linking mappings from miRBase to RNAcentral identifiers. This table is available from:
Figure 9.23: Specify the miRBase database and RNACentral table.
The tool will add identifiers to mature miRNAs that can be used to match Gene Ontology identifiers. These will be passed on to the comparison table when doing differential expressions so that it can be passed on to the gene set test against gene ontology.